World treasures in Jelgava! Application for the International Ice Sculpture Festival has been announced

6. September, 2023.

Applications for the 25th International Ice Sculpture Festival, which will take place in Jelgava from January 28 to February 4, 2024, have been announced. Ice sculptors will bring the theme "Treasures of the World" to life. Artists are invited to apply for the festival by filling out the official application form until November 5.

 "Our world is full of treasures. They are both visible and tangible, but also only guessed and felt. From natural treasures untouched by man, to self-created treasures of architecture, art, literature, music. A treasure can also be the person himself - a personality who inspires and makes this world better with his actions. The world is truly full of treasures, and each of us must find our own," says the festival slogan. The institution "Kultūra" invites sculptors to see and appreciate the treasures around them and bring them to life in ice art.

The jury will select 30 sculptors to participate in the festival, who will have the opportunity to realize their sketches in ice, working both individually and in teams of two. Sculptors can submit sketch projects on the website until November 5. The regulations of the festival are also available there.

When considering the applications, the reflection of the theme, the artistic expression, as well as the sculptor's understanding of the technical realization of the idea will be evaluated. The selected artists will work in the ice sculpture park on Past Island from January 29 to February 2, but everyone will be able to appreciate the work of the sculptors from the evening of February 2.

The international ice sculpture festival is organized by the city of Jelgava and the municipal institution "Kultūra". More information about the festival on the websites and