PHONE: 26539194
- "Grow up dancing" with your own!
- BJDK “Vēja zirdziņš” uzņem 3 līdz 4 gadus jaunus dejotājus Pērlīšu grupā! Aicinām savā pulkā arī puišus visās vecuma grupās! Jauno dejotāju uzņemšana notiks 4. septembrī plkst. 18.00 Deju namā (Cukura iela 22, Jelgava). For reference: .
- Kolektīva 33. deju sezonas svinīgā atklāšana pie Deju nama notiks 6. septembrī plkst. 18.00. Savu aktīvo darbību dejotāji sāks 9. septembrī, atbilstoši nodarbību grafikam.
The goals of the new dance season are exciting dance performances, joyful and diverse dance adventures, energetic Latvian stage dance concerts, as well as joint preparations for the Latvian School Youth Song and Dance Festival!
Collective motto "GROW UP IN DANCE!"
For reference: , e-pasts: or
Artistic Director: Alda Skrastiņa
BJDK "Vēja zirdziņš" is a creative collective with solid dance traditions and high-quality artistic performance. Collective activity provides all participants with a creative and useful opportunity to spend free time, learning and improving dance skills, as well as comprehensive development of personality and body. "Vēja zirdziņš" regularly participates in events organized by the city of Jelgava, willingly performs for domestic and Latvian audiences, is an active participant in international festivals and competitions.
BJDK „Vēja zirdziņš” dejo ~ 230 bērni un jaunieši septiņās grupās:
- Pērļu grupa (3 līdz 4 gadi)
- Dimanta grupa (5 līdz 6 gadi)
- Smaragda grupa (1. – 2..klase)
- Safīra grupa(3. – 4.klase)
- Citrīna grupa (5. – 6.klase)
- Tirkīza grupa(6. – 7.klase)
- Dzintara grupa (7. – 9.klase)
- Zelta grupa (9. – 11.klase)
Jelgava children and youth dance collective "Wind Horse" was founded in 1992 in Jelgava. The artistic director and founder of the collective is Alda Skrastiņa (dance teacher, choreographer, graduate of the Latvian State Conservatory; M.Sc.). Educators work in the collective: tutors Guna Trukšāne and Arvils Noviks, concert master Iveta Stivriņa, ballet master Katrīne Martinsone – Škapare.