The first 30 works of ice art are created in Jelgava

3. February, 2020.

Šodien Jelgavā tiek aizvadīta 22. Starptautiskā Ledus skulptūru festivāla konkursa pirmā diena.  Visas dienas garumā  profesionāli tēlnieki no septiņām valstīm 120 kilogramus smagā ledus bloka, radoši interpretējot šī gada festivāla tēmu “Supervaroņi” radīja 30 unikālus individuālos ledus mākslas darbus. 

On the other hand, from tomorrow, February 4, the sculptors will start creating the shapes of the team sculptures. Work on the details of the large ice artworks will continue until Friday. For their construction, each team uses one large (200 x 100 x 50 cm) and eight small ice blocks (100 x 50 x 25 cm).

Follow the events from the Jelgava festival in the diaries. Tune in live on Thursday Jelgava cities facebook page. 

The artists are provided with the highest quality ice obtained by artificial freezing. Compared to natural ice, it is much clearer and more stable, because it does not contain air bubbles, which accelerate the melting of the ice as it warms. We also remind you that the individual sculptures that will be created today will be stored in freezers until the opening of the festival.

The artists are provided with the highest quality ice obtained by artificial freezing. Compared to natural ice, it is much clearer and more stable, because it does not contain air bubbles, which accelerate the melting of the ice as it warms. We also remind you that the individual sculptures that will be created today will be stored in freezers until the opening of the festival.

From February 7 to 9, meet the most beloved superheroes in Jelgava, the largest ice sculpture festival in the Baltics! More than 60 works of ice art, demonstration duels, pyrotechnics and light shows, as well as a wide cultural program together with Latvian superstars. Meeting place – Post Island, J. Čakste Bulvāris and open-air concert hall "Mītava".

Due to changing weather conditions, the event program may be subject to change. Followed by the festival facebook page and find out the most current information first.

The visitors of the event are invited to dress according to the weather and before going to Jelgava to familiarize themselves with the traffic organization scheme, which will also be available in the Waze mobile app during the festival. Considering the influence of the weather on the sculptures, we invite you to take advantage of the opportunity to view the sculptures already on Friday evening.

Tickets at all Ticket Paradise ticket offices and Cheaper in pre-sale until February 6.

The international ice sculpture festival is organized by the city of Jelgava and the institution "Kultūra" together with cooperation partners.