In Jelgava, on the island of Pasta, the top 16 demo sculpture of the International Sculpture Park "Summer Signs 2022"

26. May, 2022.

The first sculpture of the 16th international sculpture park "Summer Signs 2022" is already being built in Jelgava, on the island of Pasta! 

The demo sculpture is created by the world-renowned ice and sand sculptor of Latvian origin Kārlis Īle together with Maija Īle, reproducing Michelangelo's work "Pieta" in sand in a new form. The authors of the sculpture themselves say about the choice of their work that "Michelangelo is one of the greatest artists of all time. The sculptor is able to see and reveal the very complex relationship between beauty and horror, love and hate, joy and pain, life and death. His sculpture "Pieta" deserves special attention. The special power of such works of genius lies in the fact that they stand beyond time and do not lose their relevance even today, when many mothers mourn their dead sons and many hope that these sacrifices are made for a greater and nobler purpose."

It was previously reported that on June 4 and 5, the most ambitious sand sculpture park in the Baltics "Summer Signs 2022" will open on the island of Pasta, where masterpieces will be created from the crumbling material by 17 sculptors from 10 countries - the Czech Republic, Spain, Ukraine, Canada, Turkey, Lithuania, Bulgaria, Estonia, Mongolia and Latvia.