The International Ice Sculpture Festival is one of the most impressive cultural events in Latvia, which takes place in winter. This year is already the 25th anniversary year, so in celebration of this holiday, artists will reveal the treasures of the world to the visitors with their vision. During the years of its existence, the ice sculpture festival in Jelgava has grown and gained popularity not only among visitors and artists, but is also one of the most important ice art events in Europe, as well as being included in the category of TOP 10 world's largest ice sculpture competitions.
32 artists from eleven countries - Ukraine, Indonesia, Argentina, Latvia, Netherlands, Lithuania, Estonia, Czech Republic, Mongolia, United Kingdom and Spain - will participate in this anniversary year festival. In their works, the artists will show how ice is a unique sculptural material, as it is a transparent, fragile and not always easily available material, which fascinates not only the artists themselves, but also the visitors of the festival.
On December 25, 1998, in the Central Square of the city of Jelgava
The beginnings of the festival can be traced back to 1998, when the idea to organize this kind of sculpture exhibition in Jelgava came up. The idea was born, but it was not easy to implement it. There was neither experience nor enough money. However, it was necessary to prove that the ice sculpture parade is something important, necessary for the city in order to mark it on the cultural map of Latvia. At that time, no one dared to think about larger scales. There were also no people with whom to organize such an event. In order to interest the visitors, a large cultural program was created with the participation of Santa Claus, since the holiday took place during the winter solstice - December 25, 1998. But the highlight was undoubtedly the ice sculptures themselves. They - ten in number - were ordered by the brothers Henri and Rinalds Opinčanis.
At the end of the festivities, an auction of ice sculptures was held. True, this auction was rather a joke, because the starting price was only a couple of lats. Buyers bid willingly, even more - jokingly, providing themselves and the audience with a fun moment. Compared to later ice sculpture festivals, the first ones were, so to speak, wrapped in baby diapers. However, the small sculptures delighted the audience - nothing like it had been seen in Jelgava or in the whole of Latvia. From an insignificant event, the Jelgava Ice Festival has now become an important brand - an International Ice Sculpture Festival, to which artists travel from almost all continents of the world.

17-19 of 1999 in December, in the Central Square of the city of Jelgava
Theme "Fairytale character" and free theme
Since 1999, Jelgava has also been on the map of world ice sculpture festivals. It is the year that the ice festival was held here for the second time, turning it into an international event. Artists from the Nordic countries were also invited to participate - four sculptors from Denmark, two from Sweden. Latvia was also represented by two artists. Each participant had to create two sculptures - one on a theme given by the organizer (they participated in the competition), the other - of their own free choice. On the opening day of the exhibition, the works were evaluated by a jury.
1st place — Anrijs Opincāns (Latvia). Mermaid
2nd place - Jon Stahn (Denmark). Alien 2
3rd place - Susanne Holmberg (Sweden). Saturn in the house
Audience Award (A/S "Laima") - Jon Stahn (Denmark). Alien2
December 15-23, 2000, in Hercoga Jēkaba Square
Themes - "Ice Flower" and "21. symbol of the century"
Each festival in Jelgava comes with its own news. Thus, the third ice festival in 2000 differed in that the sculptures began to be transported to other cities. Traveling exhibitions of ice sculptures do not take place anywhere else in the world, thus Latvia stands out with its innovation. True, transportation requires both large financial investments and technical support. Often, if the winter was warm and therefore unfavorable for the sculptures, it is necessary to order the sculptors to carve a new work or the project implementer to assume the role of the sculptor and prevent some minor damage to the ice sculptures. Since it gets dark early in the winter months in Latvia, lighting is of great importance, which allows you to view the works even in the dark and additionally creates a play of light in the sculptures. Initially, powerful searchlights were used, but they also emit heat in addition to light and thus contribute to the melting of ice. In recent years, special light fixtures have been purchased, which, mounted in special platforms, give light, but do not melt the fragile sculptures. The multi-colored lighting focuses attention on the work itself and at the same time creates a gorgeous effect, allowing you to feast on the eyes. To increase the emotional impact, the festival organizers also use background music. This set of effects naturally entices viewers. In order to expand interest in ice sculpture festivals, in 1998 the organizers announced a children's drawing and photo contest. The efforts of the festival hosts bore fruit - the popularity of the festival grew in Latvia, the circle of financial and informative supporters expanded. Due to the increase in financial resources, starting with the third ice festival, the organizers announced a competition for participants of the festival. Over time, more and more applications arrived. As the number of offers increased, the technical and artistic level of the sculptures rose.
1st place — Anrijs Opincāns (Latvia). You - my flower, You - my love.
2nd place - Algirdas Bosa (Lithuania). Reflection
3rd place — Üllar Kallau (Estonia). Rose of the knight
Audience Award - Anrijs Opincāns (Latvia). See yourself in the 21st century?

14—16. in December in Jelgava, Herzog Jēkab Square; December 17 in Ventspils, Great Square; on December 18 in Liepāja, Rožu laukuma; on December 19 in Valmiera, near the cultural center; December 22 in Jurmala, Dzintari concert hall; December 23 in Riga, near the House of Congress. Ice sculpture auction on December 23 in Riga.
Topics - Next Year's Horoscope and free topic "Symbols and Signs"
1st place — Zigmunds Bielis (Latvia). Dove of peace
2nd place — Zigmunds Vilnis (Latvia). I'm a fish too
3rd place — Algirdas Bosas (Lithuania). The key to heaven
Audience Award - Anrijs Opincāns (Latvia)
19-29 of 2002 in December
on December 22 in Jelgava, Herzoga Jēkaba Square; on December 23 in Kuldīga, on the city stage; on December 25 in Jurmala, in the square near the Dubultu station; 26 December in Daugavpils, Vienības square; on December 27 in Šiauliai; December 29 in Riga, near the House of Congress.
Obligatory topic - "The Believable and the Unbelievable"; the second work - according to the artist's choice.
1st place - Algirdas Bosa (Lithuania). Rain at Christmas
2nd place — Krists Erbs (Latvia). In my garden
3rd place — Guntis Svikulis (Latvia). A cat who knows how to get away from a dachshund
Audience Award - Zigmunds Bielis (Latvia). Make Love, Not War!

January 27 - February 8, 2004
On January 31 -1. in February — in Jelgava, in the square behind the House of Culture; February 7 — in Valmiera, near the Culture Center; February 8 - in Riga, near the House of Congress; February 9 - in Ogre, near the Culture Center; February 10 - in Jēkabpils, in the square near the Town Hall; February 12 - in Ventspils, Great Square.
Theme - "Fashion 2004"
Starting with the 6th International Ice Sculpture Festival in 2004. Due to the unstable weather conditions in Latvia, which makes it impossible to predict whether there will be snow and frost in December, or - often - rain, the festival organizers came to the conclusion that the ice festival should be moved from December to February, which is, however, colder than other months. Therefore, one year "fell out" between the fifth and sixth festivals. However, the 6th International Ice Sculpture Festival was much wider. A larger number of artists from European countries and even Australia could have been invited to it. In addition to individual sculptures, which must be made from one block of ice, sculptures are also created by teams of two artists. Starting from 2004, three meter high snow sculptures are also made. It is true that team sculptures and snow formations can only be seen in Jelgava. An ice bar is also being built and a slide for children is being built from the snow. It must be said that snow sculptures can only be made in those winters when there is enough snow around the city.
Individual sculptures:
1st place - Tatyana Sagadeyeva (Russia). The rising moon
2nd place - Leo Palomäki (Finland). Fashion team
Audience Award - Rinalds Opincāns (Latvia). Right on target
"Latvijas Avīze" newspaper award - Gaits Burvis (Latvia). Fashion requires sacrifice
Team sculptures:
1st place — Algirdas Bosas, Kęstutis Musteikis (Lithuania). The endless song
2nd place - Tatyana Sagadeeva, Rashid Sagadeev (Russia). The first snow
3rd place - Romuald Herbaux, Michel Authier (France). Acrobat
January 31 - February 14, 2005
5—6. in February — in Jelgava, in the square behind the House of Culture; February 10 — in Valmiera, near the Culture Center; February 11 - in Ogre, near the Culture Center; February 12 - in Jurmala, Dubultu Square February 13 - in Riga, near the Congress House; 14—27. in February - in the recreation center "Lido".
Individual sculptures:
1st place — Andrejs Joksts (Latvia). My last dream bear
2nd place - Risto Immonen (Finland). Three
Audience Award - Rinalds Opincāns (Latvia). Touch of love
Team sculptures:
1st place - Kārlis Īle, Andrejs Joksts (Latvia), Antti Pedrozo (Finland). Stairway to heaven
2nd place - Konstantin Selikhanov, Alexander Shapo (Belarus). In memory of Antoine de Saint-Exupery
3rd place — Đirts Burvis, Gaits Burvis (Latvia). Ice cabinet of dreams

January 23, 2006—5. In February
28—29. in January in Jelgava, in the square behind the House of Culture; February 1 in Ventspils, Great Square; on February 2 in Tukuma, at the Ice hall; on February 3 in Ogre, near the cultural center; February 4 in Jurmala, Dubultu square; February 5 in Riga, near the House of Congress; 6—14. in February in Riga, in the SKY center.
Theme - "Wedding"
At the 8th International Ice Sculpture Festival in 2006, the central theme of the festival was a wedding. The naturally obtained ice was used for the construction of the wedding altar, when the Vislatvian newlyweds got together.
Individual sculptures:
1st place - Darren Jackson (Great Britain). Embraced by love
2nd place - Alexander Shapo (Belarus) One heart for two
Audience Choice Award - Wilfred Stijger (Netherlands). Dream
Team sculptures:
1st place - Alan Magee, Daniel Doyle (Ireland). Chameleon games
2nd place — Įrts Burvis, Gaits Burvis (Latvia). Greenhouse effect
3rd place — Konstantin Selikhanov, Alexander Shapo (Belarus). Evolution
5-11 of 2007 In February
Jelgava, Herzog Jēkab Square 10-11. In February ; Ogre, 16.-18. In February
Theme - "The Modern Ice Age"
The 9th International Ice Sculpture Festival in 2007 is marked by several events. Five snow sculptures were made from the local snow, the sculptures stopped traveling around Latvia, only the residents of Ogre viewed them in their homes. But - most importantly - one night unknown pranksters made their own snow sculpture. Later, it was revealed that Maksim Chertov, a farmer from Jelgav, and his brother had this lightning idea in their mind and, without anyone seeing, they both realized it. The surprise was big, but the result was remarkable, so he was entrusted with carving a bar in the ice at the next festival.
Individual sculptures:
1st place - Edith Van De Wetering (Netherlands). Melting point
2nd place — Algirdas Bosas (Lithuania). Greenhouse
3rd place — Sandis Kondrats (Latvia). Cold Blooded (era)
Promotion award — Roberts Salaks (Latvia). North daughter's dress
Team sculptures:
1st place - Daniel Doyle, Alan Magee (Ireland). Why are we here?
2nd place - Natalia Chistyakov, Yevhenii Zavyalov (Russia). Ice Venus
2nd place — Sandis Kondrats, Uldis Zariņš (Latvia). Latvian woman
3rd place - Jan Fedorčák, Miloš Kubista (Czech Republic). Cactus
Snow sculptures:
Award - Matīss Kalniņš, Raitis Stiuka (Latvia). Thawed

4-10 of 2008 In February
February 9 - in Jelgava, Herzoga Jēkaba Square
Theme - "Water World"
The 10th festival was marked by warmth in 2008. Maybe it was "called out" by the organizers themselves, choosing the theme "Water World". This February came with rain and temperatures well above freezing. Thus, the very fragile and openwork ice sculptures did not last even a day, and some of them had already collapsed into tiny ice crystals in the evening hours, turning into droplets of water. The high Gods of time should not be challenged. However, these natural features did not become a reason to stop delighting Jelgav residents with the mysteries of ice. The festivals grew so large that Duke Jacob's Square became too narrow.
Individual sculptures:
1st place — Kārlis Īle (Latvia). Umbrella
2nd place - Tatyana Sagadeyeva (Russia). Birth
3rd place - Stephanie Quayle (Great Britain). Needlefish
Audience Award - Sandis Kondrāts (Latvia). Watery conscience
A/S "Parex banka" sympathy award - Uldis Zariņš (Latvia). A hug
Team sculptures:
1st place — Kārlis Īle, Andrejs Joksts (Latvia). Whale
2nd place - Andrei Molokov, Irina Chistyakova (Russia). Water mirror
3rd place - Miloš Kubista, Jan Fedorčák (Czech Republic). Golden Coral Jury's Favorite Awards – Aleksandr Parfenov and Andrey Koshelev (Russia). Dream
9-15 of 2009 in February (extended until February 28)
Jelgava, Uzvaras Park
Theme – "Galaxy of Love"
The 11th International Ice Sculpture Festival was moved to the spacious Victory Park in 2009. There is enough space for more sculptures and a wider influx of visitors. For this reason, the number of invited artists increased. For some good years, there were close to thirty of them, so together with team sculptures, snow formations and commissioned works, the number of sculptures was already close to half a hundred.
Individual sculptures:
1st place – Mathew Chaloner (Great Britain). The Perfection of Eternal Love
2nd place – Kęstutis Musteikis (Lithuania). One moment is like a lifetime
3rd place – Irina Chistyakova (Russia). Relation
Audience Award - Sandis Kondrāts (Latvia). Bitter happiness
Team sculptures:
1st place – Kęstutis Musteikis, Algirdas Bosas (Lithuania). Along the Milky Way
2nd place – Edith Van De Wetering, Wilfred Stijger (Netherlands).
Universal love
3rd place – Natalia Chistyakov, Yevhenii Zavyalov (Russia). Paranoia

7-21 of 2010 February
12-14 in February in Jelgava, Uzvaras Park; 19-21 in February in Ogre, near the Culture Center
Theme – "Around the World"
Individual sculptures:
1st place – Ainars Zingniks (Latvia). Catch the wind
2nd place – Tatyana Kuznetsova (Russia). A journey of thought
3rd place – Mathew Foster (Great Britain). Paper dreams
Team sculptures:
1st place – Ruslan Korovkov, Irina Taflevska (Bulgaria). Through other worlds
2nd place – Antti Pedroso (Finland), Fergus Mulvany (Ireland). A revolution of the mind
3rd place – Kārlis Īle (Latvia), Vilius Matutis (Lithuania). Door
Jury prize for mastery - Andrejs Molokovs (Russia), Ainars Zingniks (Latvia). Yin Yang
Jelgava, Uzvaras Park, 7-13 of 2011. February
Topic – "My Religion"
Individual sculptures:
1st place – Sandis Kondrats (Latvia). free fall
2nd place – Vytautas Musteikis (Lithuania). An unfinished prayer
3rd place – Kārlis Īle (Latvia). Naked freedom
Team sculptures:
1st place – Sandis Kondrats, Krists Zariņš (Latvia). Latvian story
2nd place – Tatyana Kuznetsova, Marina Erkovich (Russia). Spirit is freedom, and freedom is the victory of spirit!
3rd place – Mathew Foster, Darren Jackson (Great Britain). Jump and spin and dive and laugh
Jury prize – Aleksej Verbitkis, Deniss Novitkis (Russia). Complete freedom. Flight of thought

6-12 of 2012 In February
10-12 in February (extended until February 28) in Jelgava, Uzvaras Park; 15-16 in Ogre in February; 17-19 in February in Jēkabpils, Sēli sēta
Theme of the festival – "Mysteries"
In 2012, the highest ice sculpture in the Baltics was carved in Jelgava - the nine-meter-high "Flame that rises in wings"
Individual sculptures:
1st place – Kęstutis Musteikis (Lithuania). Is the apple really the beginning of everything?
2nd place – Ruslan Korovkov (Russia). A transcendental world
3rd place – Donatas Mockus (Lithuania). Mr. Paganini
Jury's sympathy award - Sergejs Cechebrovskis (Russia). Transcendent love
Team sculptures:
1st place – Kārlis Īle (Latvia), Vilius Matutis (Lithuania). A flame that takes wings
2nd place – Dzhulastan Markov, Kyunneya Takasayeva (Russia). Ikedzukuri
3rd place – Sergey Loginov, Igor Nareiko (Russia). The legend of the famous Nani
Jury's sympathy award - Andrejs Molokovs, Sergejs Cechebrovskis (Russia). Mystery Halloween
Jury Sympathy Award – Agnese Rudzīte-Kirillova (Latvia), Donatas Mockus (Lithuania). Biochemistry
February 8-10, 2013, in Uzvaras Park
Theme of the festival – Planet "Ice"
The international ice sculpture festival celebrated its 15th birthday by reviving Planet "Ice" in Jelgava. As in a galactic birthday party – various surprises, six fireworks, shows, a record number of ice sculptures and even a unique, never-before-seen ice bath.
Since 2013, after evaluating sketch applications, 30 world-renowned artists have been approved for participation in the festival, who create individual sculptures and team sculptures working in teams of two in less than five days.
Individual sculptures:
1st place – Donatas Mockus (Lithuania). Black and white
2nd place – Alexey Verbitskiy (Russia). Flying above the waves
3rd place – Mathew Thomas Foster (Great Britain). Sun rings
Jury's Favorite Award – Vadim Polin (Russia). Ice flower
Team sculptures:
1st place – Sergei Tcelebrovskii and Andrei Molokov (Russia). The girl and the moon
2nd place – Kęstutis Musteikis and Vytautas Musteikis (Lithuania). The frozen howl
3rd place – Kārlis Īle and Vilius Matutis (Latvia). Touch the sun
Jury sympathy awards - Inese Valtere - Łande (Latvia) and Donatas Mockus (Lithuania). With the moon

February 7-9, 2014, Uzvaras Park
Theme of the festival – "Wonderland"
The 16th International Ice Sculpture Festival is characterized by the word "stability". It consists of the independent festival tradition, venue, time. The organizers already know what the visitors want and what the festival artists want. As the festival tradition develops and the large number of visitors grows, so does the demand for quality and variety.
Along with the large number of sculptures, visitors are offered a series of other activities - programs for children, attractions, concerts of popular musicians, fireworks, various ice objects that can not only be viewed piece by piece, but also sit in them. As the years go by, the stable value and ice objects, which are especially popular with visitors due to their use in the coldest month of the year, do not change - the Ice Bar.
Individual sculptures:
1st place – Donatas Mockus (Lithuania). Shepherd
2nd place – Lauri Tamm (Estonia). Sun nest
3rd place – Irina Kudriavtseva (Russia). Happiness
Jury's sympathy award - Maija Puncule (Latvia). Pixel Man
Team sculptures:
1st place – Andrei Molokov and Sergei Tcelebrovskii (Russia). Catch luck
2nd place – Elena Timofeeva and Pavel Kaltygin (Russia). Princess of the sea
3rd place – Inese Valtere – Łande (Latvia) and Donatas Mockus (Lithuania). Queen
Jury's favorite awards - Aleksandr Parfenov and Andrey Koshelev (Russia). Dream
February 6-8, 2015, Pasta Island
The theme of the festival is "Fairytale of Ice"
2017 brings new challenges and tests to the organizers of the International Ice Sculpture Festival, and surprises to the visitors. This year is marked not only by the festival's new venue – Pasta island, but also by the 750th anniversary of the city of Jelgava.
Individual sculptures:
1st place – Andrey Koshelev (Russia). The voice of the ocean
2nd place – Kārlis Īle (Latvia). Morning star
3rd place – Vytautas Musteikis (Lithuania). How the story comes to us
Jury's favorite awards - Aleksandr Skardnov (Russia). Fire bird
Konstantin Evdokimov (Russia). The little spirit
Ivan Loktiukhin (Russia). Goldfish
Team sculptures:
1st place - Agnese Rudzīte - Kirillova and Anatolijs Kirillovs (Latvia). Shelter
2nd place – Iurii Mistryukov and Mariia Mazunina (Russia). Kiss of the Snow Queen
3rd place – Kārlis Īle and Maija Puncule (Latvia). Crown of the North
Jury's Choice Award – Steve Armance and David Diatta (France). Glaurung. What woke me up?

February 5 - 7, 2016, Pasta Island
The theme of the festival is "Wonders of the World"
The International Ice Sculpture Festival taking place in Jelgava becomes the largest sculpture art festival in the Baltics and also the largest ice art festival in Northern Europe, which has retained the competition format. The festival is also included among the TOP 10 largest Ice and Snow sculpture events in the world, standing alongside such great countries as Russia, China, Canada and the USA.
Individual sculptures:
1st place – Kestutis Musteikis (Lithuania). Snowflake in palm
2nd place – Konstantin Evdokimov (Russia). Freedom
3rd place – Ainars Zingniks (Latvia). Cyclops
Jury sympathy award - Agnese Rudzīte Kirillova (Latvia). Chameleon
Anna Evdokimova (Russia). Face to face
Daniil Ambrosov (Russia). Time Machine
Elisabeth Kristensen (Norway). Having fun
Team sculptures:
1st place – Vytautas Musteikis and Kestutis Musteikis (Lithuania). Childs birth
2nd place – Sergei Tcelebrovskii (Russia) and Wiaczeslaw Borecki (Poland). The secret of birth
3rd place – Tautvilas Povilionis and Martynas Gaubas (Lithuania). Chuck Norris vs the Leaning Tower of Pisa
Jury sympathy awards - Ainars Zingniks and Zīle Ozoliņa-Šneidere (Latvia). Didn't expect?
Aleksey Verbitskiy and Svetlana Verbitskaya (Russia). A bureaucrat
Agnese Rudzīte – Kirilova (Latvia) and Mariia Mazunina (Russia). The ability to fly
February 10-12, 2017, Pasta Island
Theme of the festival – "Carnival"
The 19th festival is like a turning point for future festivals. It is marked not only by the record number of submitted applications and sketches (more than 100), but also by the unexpectedly large number of visitors (85,000). It is like a springboard for the next anniversary festival, to select artists in an even tougher competition and create a festival with more and wider venues.
Individual sculptures:
1st place – Michela Ciappini (Italy). Guess who I am?
2nd place – Vladimir Mistriukov (Russia). Modern masks
3rd place – Agnese Rudzīte–Kirillova (Latvia). Always in fashion
Jury's Favorite Award - Matvey Vavaev (Russia). Hand fan
Marina Erkovich (Russia). Time to be different
Team sculptures:
1st place – Vladimir Mistriukov and Iurii Mistriukov (Russia). Freedom
2nd place – Zīle Ozoliņa-Šneidere and Sanita Rāviņa (Latvia). Risk
3rd place - Ivan Zverev and Vadim Parkhomenko (Russia). Crazy World
Jury sympathy awards – Tautvilas Povilionis and Martynas Gaubas (Lithuania). Invite a punk to a carnival
Ivan Smirnov and Elena Smirnova (Russia). Monthly Sonata

February 9 - 11, 2018, Post Island, Hercoga Jēkaba Square, J. Čakste Boulevard
Theme of the festival – "Dreams"
33 sculptors from 10 countries took part in the 20th anniversary festival - Latvia, Lithuania, Russia, Ireland, Portugal, Norway, the Netherlands, Ukraine, Bulgaria and China. The territory of the sculpture park is being expanded and the holiday is already being celebrated in three venues - Jānis Čakste boulevard, Pasta sala and Hercog Jēkab Square. Not only the anniversary of the round festival, but also the centenary of Latvia is celebrated for three days, for two and with a record number of sculptures. This year, guests from Lithuania set a record number of visitors.
Individual sculptures:
1st place – Zīle Ozoliņa-Šneidere / Latvia «Let your dreams go»
2nd place – Martynas Gaubas / Lithuania «Dream yourself»
3rd place - Irina Alimurzayeva / Russia "Imagination"
Team sculptures:
1st place – Zīle Ozoliņa-Šneidere and Roman Petrov / Latvia and Russia «Catch the dream»
2nd place - Elena Smirnova and Ivan Smirnov / Russia "Reality"
3rd place – Nial Magee and Pedro Mira / Ireland and Portugal «Comprehension»
Jury promotion awards:
Elisabeth Kristensen / Norway "Open Your Heart"
Ruslan Korovkov / Bulgaria «Modern Time»
Pedro Mira / Portugal "Forest of the Mind"
Maria Vavaeva and Matvey Vavaev / Russia «And let the whole world wait»
Martynas Gaubas and Tautvilas Poviļionis / Lithuania «Wet Dreams»
February 8-10, 2019. Pasta Island, J. Čakste Boulevard and Pilssalas iela 1
Theme of the festival – "Cinema"
The 2019 Ice Sculpture Festival is also taking place in three places in the city - Pasta Island and J. Čakste boulevard, but the parking lot on Pilssalas street 1 has been chosen as the free zone of the festival.
The festival gathers world-class sculptors from 7 countries - Latvia, Lithuania, Russia, Belarus, Ukraine, USA and Canada. It is noteworthy that among the participants of the festival there are some sculptors - chefs, whose ice sculpting skills are also useful in cooking. The artists' task in 2019 is to depict the theme "Cinema" in more than 70 tons of ice.
In total, more than 65 ice objects can be viewed during the festival - 30 of them are illuminated individually created by artists and 15 are large team sculptures, as well as an ice labyrinth and six large-format photo sculptures.
Individual sculptures
1st place – Roman Petrov /Russia/
"Torn Bulletin Board"
2nd place – Pavel Solovev /Russia/
"Cheshire Cat"
3rd place – Vladimir Mistriukov /Russia/
Team sculptures
1st place – Iurii Mistriukov and Vladimir Mistriukov /Russia/
2nd place – Roman Petrov /Russia/ and Zīle Ozoliņa–Šneidere /Latvia/
"Movie Star"
3rd place – Elena Smirnova and Ivan Smirnov /Russia/
"The Little Knight"
Jury's Choice Awards
Vladimir Filatov /Russia/
"Change of perspective"
Andrey Kokorin /Russia/
Manoj Khorugdharry /Canada/
Iurii Mistriukov /Russia/

February 7-9, 2020. Pasta island, open-air concert hall "Mītava" and J. Čakste boulevard
Theme of the festival – "Superheroes"
The year 2020 came to Latvia with uncharacteristically warm weather for winter - without frost and snow. This prompted serious reflection on whether the long-standing tradition - the International Ice Sculpture Festival - will be able to take place in Jelgava at all. However, it happened and was heard with great scale in three venues - the Pasta Island, the open-air concert hall "Mītava" and J. Čakste boulevard, bringing a few frosty days to Jelgava along with the ice sculptures. In order to create works of art, sculptors had to work not only during the day, but also late into the evening hours, "catching" the moments when the air temperature dropped below zero.
Sculptors from 7 countries - Latvia, Lithuania, Russia, Belarus, Bulgaria, Ukraine and Finland - took part in the 22nd International Ice Sculpture Festival, capturing superheroes in their works - both those depicted in literature and cinema, and those encountered in their own lives.
Individual sculptures
1st place – Vadim Parkhomenko /Russia/
"Half Superhero"
2nd place – Iurii Mistriukov /Russia/
"Pushing aside obstacles"
3rd place – Sanita Raviņa /Latvia/
"Hold on"
Team sculptures
1st place – Nikolai Kokorin and Andrei Kokorin /Russia/
“Future Heroes. The next generation"
2nd place – Sergey Aseev /Russia/ and Artem Samoylov /Ukraine/
3rd place – Kestutis Musteikis and Vytautas Musteikis /Lithuania/
"Genie in a Bottle"
Jury's Choice Awards
Iurii Mistriukov and Vladimir Mistriukov /Russia/
"Stephen Hawking travels the Milky Way"
Ekaterina Malukhina /Finland/ and Egor Kuklin /Russia/
"You are what you want to be"
Agnese Rudzīte – Kirillova /Latvia/
"Amelia Earlhort"
Vadzim Bandarets /Belarus/
Adapting to the restrictions on gatherings and events in Latvia and the world, the traditional Ice Sculpture Festival in Jelgava did not take place in 2021. However, continuing to develop the tradition of ice art and preserving its continuity, two monumental ice objects were created in the city. During Christmas, sculptors conjured up a scene of Bethlehem in Herzog Jēkab Square - the environmental object "Miracle of Bethlehem" is by far the largest work of ice art ever created in Jelgava. On the other hand, in anticipation of the turn of the year, an environmental object "Moose 2021 and friends" took up residence on the Post island, which carried the symbolism of the city of Jelgava and the turn of the year.
The author of the environmental objects was the sculptor Kārlis Īle, who implemented the idea together with a team of Latvian artists - Maija Īle, Agnes Rudzīti-Kirillova, Zīli Ozoliņu-Šneideri and Sanita Rāviņa.

The year 2022 began with the emergency situation and the extension of gathering restrictions, so the planned International Ice Sculpture Festival had to be transformed into a different format - at the beginning of February, an international symposium "Ice Sculptures in Jelgava" was held in Jelgava, gathering ten sculptors from Latvia, the Netherlands and Russia. Ice artists brought the theme "ZOO" to life in their works.
"ZOO - this laconic designation is recognized all over the world and is associated with the world of animals. Not only with the man-made animal world in the zoo, but the indescribably diverse fauna that exists alongside us - on land and in water. And also in us. An animal carries a wild nature within itself, but in interaction with a human - a tamed nature, in which a human can become both the animal's main provider and its greatest enemy. But sometimes we ourselves are guided by animal instincts, and it is said that there is an animal hidden in each of us, or maybe a beast? Where does humanity end and the animal kingdom begin? Is a lion living in a zoo cage more human than one living on the steppe? And is a person who goes hunting guided by animal instincts? Humans and animals are united by nature, but nature is different from the point of view of humans and animals," says the justification of the topic.
A total of 21 ice art objects were created, which were displayed in the courtyard of the tower of the Holy Trinity Church, near the Đederts Elias Jelgava Museum of History and Art, Pasta Island, Jānis Čakste Boulevard, Hercoga Jēkaba Square and Uzvara Park, as well as near the Culture House and the square behind it, Stations in the park and Ozol Square.
This year Husqvarna supported the project by providing the sculptors with electric saws.
In 2023, the 24th international ice sculpture festival was held, in which a record number of countries participated - 32 sculptors from 12 countries. In this year's theme, the sculptors revealed a unique perspective on the ancient deities and their importance in the cultures of different nations. Sculptors had the opportunity to depict not only deities, but also mythological beings such as the Green Tara, those who embody the power and phenomena of nature, such as the Thunder, and those found in Greek, Egyptian, Aztec, Nordic and other cultures.
In total, more than 45 ice art works were created, which were displayed in three places in the city - Jānis Čakste boulevard, Pasta Island and the open-air concert hall "Mītava". 30 of these sculptures were created by artists individually, and 15 of them were team work.
On the opening day of the festival, visitors had the opportunity to enjoy the cold works of art with their own eyes and watch the sculptors who demonstrated their skills in creating new ice objects.

No 2. līdz 4. februārim Jelgavā – Jāņa Čakstes bulvārī un Pasta salā – norisinājās 25. jubilejas Starptautiskais Ledus skulptūru festivāls. Savu unikālo skatījumu uz pasaules dārgumiem, izmantojot ledus tēlniecību, parādīja 32 profesionāli tēlnieki no 11 valstīm – Ukrainas, Indonēzijas, Argentīnas, Latvijas, Nīderlandes, Lietuvas, Igaunijas, Čehijas, Mongolijas, Apvienotās Karalistes (UK) un Spānijas. Festivālā tika radītas 45 konkursa skulptūras, bet kopumā bija apskatāmi vairāk nekā 60 ledus objekti. Festivālā bez konkursā veidotajiem darbiem, papildus bija apskatāms ledus bārs, ledus pirts, foto skulptūras, ledus atrakcijas un spēles.